
Obtaining Unqualified Opinion, Hajj fund management is considered transparent and accountable

PRESS RELEASE June 14, 2019 Obtaining Unqualified Opinion, Hajj fund management is considered transparent and accountable. Jakarta - The Hajj Fund Management Agency (BPKH) obtained an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from The Audit Board of Republic Indonesia (BPK). Based on audit evidence, this audit shows that the financial statements of BPKH are...


Jakarta – The Hajj Fund Management Agency (BPKH) and Pegadaian signed a memorandum of understanding on potential investment cooperation at the Pullman Hotel, Jakarta on Monday (25/03/2019). Both parties agreed to establish investment cooperation in several fields while still paying attention to the conformity of sharia principles, laws and...

Announcement of Stage 1 Selection Results

Recruitment of Prospective BPKH EmployeesDear,Participants in Recruitment and Selection of Prospective BPKH EmployeesThank you for participating in the selection of prospective BPKH employees, Here we say that the results of the administrative selection for Permanent Employees and Non-Permanent Employees will be announced on March 1st 2019, via e-mail of...

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